Resuming Sport: Choosing The Suitable Activity In 3 Steps

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Resuming sport: choosing the suitable activity in 3 steps – To sustain the sport, you still have to select the right move. Our step-by-step advice, discover which sport is according to your objectives, your desires of the moment and your physical abilities. We also explain how to persevere and keep motivation over the long term by putting in place certain habits.

1. Define your sports goal – Suitable Activity In 3 Steps

To return to sport with the proper discipline, first, take stock of your goals. Why did you decide to start the sport again? Different criteria can motivate your choice:

Stay in shape: not very sporty. Do you want to fight against a sedentary lifestyle, reduce stress and enjoy the benefits of physical activity by increasing your energy expenditure? For you, the recovery will have to be done gently, with simple exercises and progressive muscular work, sparing your joints and allowing you to improve your cardiorespiratory capacities gradually. Start with small sessions and bet on regularity.

Lose weight: Exercising is one of the best ways to lose weight by making sure you use more calories than you get from nutrition. Two solutions are available to you: do a cardio endurance activity with more than 40 minutes sessions to force the body to draw on fat reserves to produce energy or opt for HIIT, a short and intense training ideal for burning calories quickly even after exercise.

Build muscle: to increase muscle mass, become more flexible, stronger and more resistant; muscle strengthening exercises are your best bets. Circuit training or cross-training are good options, but most sports activities help build muscle. Depending on the muscle groups targeted, you can choose different disciplines. You can also turn to bodybuilding.

Let off steam: playing sports helps evacuate daily stress by reducing cortisol levels and promoting the secretion of endorphins and dopamine, hormones linked to alertness, pleasure and relaxation. So if you are looking for thrills and have an excellent physical condition, why not opt ​​for an extreme sport?

2. Define your sports activity according to your desires and your physical condition

Once you have set your goal, consider your preferences when deciding which sport to choose. In what context do you visualize your future sports sessions? That way, you’re sure to get quick results and stay motivated over time. Here are some ways to choose the right sport according to your current desires:

You like to exercise alone and are looking to improve your cardiorespiratory capacities: opt for running, cycling, swimming, or even a rowing sport such as rowing or rowing. Home fitness can also appeal to you: you train at home at your own pace. Finally, you like combat sports: from judo, ideal for flexibility, self-control and balance, to kick-boxing to combine cardio, speed, strengthening and breath work, via fencing or boxing, many solutions are available to you!

You enjoy team sports: find out about sports clubs and associations near you. Volleyball, football, basketball, handball or why not synchronized swimming or water polo: if you like being in the water, various team sports in each locality, it’s up to you to find yours!

You want to practise a sport in nature: hiking, trekking, climbing, canoeing and cycling might appeal to you! Sliding sports such as skiing, snowboarding, or surfing also offer thrills outdoors.

You are looking for a very gentle sport to get back in shape after childbirth, convalescence or following a sports injury: in consultation with your doctor, turn to walking, yoga, the elliptical trainer, stretching, tai-chi, or even aqua biking or cycling according to your preferences and your physical condition.

3. Our advice for holding on to the long term

Once the ideal sporting activity for you have, these few tips should help you persevere over time.

Even if you are pursuing a sporting goal, never forget to have fun first and foremost! It’s the only way to stay motivated in the long run.

When you resume physical activity, remember to adapt your nutrition to your new goals: if you want to lose weight, make sure to consume a little fewer calories than those expended, calculate the calories needed per day according to your primary metabolism and your activity, stay hydrated, etc.

Equip yourself with quality equipment: shoes, outfits, effort monitoring accessories, home fitness equipment. Give yourself the means to achieve your goals!