Gimenez Session By Bike: The Essential Workout

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Gimenez session by bike: the essential workout – You want to break the routine of cycling outings and come and integrate specific training. It is undoubtedly the time to let yourself by the famous Gimenez bike session.

1. What is Gimenez? – The Essential Workout

The Gimenez is a particular training session that consists of chaining four minutes between 60% and 70% of your capacities with one minute at 100% of your PMA (maximum aerobic power) and this for nine repetitions without a recovery period. . Here is the scenery. You expect to suffer. You are right. This session was popularized at the end of 1990 by Fréderic Grappe, the coach of the French Games team.

This Gimenez session is a sequence that solicits your PMA to raise your level of FTP power (this is the power that you can hold over an effort of one hour). With a Gimenez session, you will work on the rhythm changes that you may encounter during races or when your friends attack for the sign.

Do not attack the session dry. Instead, plan to warm up for 15 minutes to engage your muscles and start pumping up your cardio. Your Gimenez session will last approximately 45 min. Similarly, at the end of your Gimenez session, you should continue turning your legs to eliminate the toxins caused during the session.

In summary, your session will be as follows:
9 x [1 min at 100% MAP i5 + 4 min at i3] = 45 min of exercise

2. Do the Gimenez with cardio or a power sensor?

A power meter is expensive, and unfortunately, not everyone has one. The Gimenez session takes on its whole meaning as soon as you can benefit from it because it becomes easier to follow the intensities you put in your training. As you will have understood, the power sensor is the optimal solution for carrying out a Gimenez session. However, you can still make it if you don’t have one. You will probably have a heart sensor on your wrist or your chest. Beware of cardiac sensors, which tend to get carried away under certain circumstances. Vary controlled intensity paces with strong intensities to get your heart pumping.

3. Gimenez session on Home Trainer or the road?

You will have understood the Home Trainer is the perfect solution to carry out this kind of session with often power sensors but above all no resistance to the wind and impactions of the road. You will also not be disturbed by traffic, making the Gimenez bike session more challenging to perform. However, there are solutions to achieve it on the road. The ideal is to climb a long pass with a slope of around 6/7%. The pace to adopt at I3 is relatively easy to determine if you regularly climb in the mountains. Remain seated and rather limber for the four minutes at I3. Then, lower two teeth and step up without sitting down for the minute at I5, as if to simulate an attack. It’s demanding, of sequence, but more fun than on the home trainer. And much less mentally exhausting,

If you have the treat of taking a training partner, you can do it with him and get in his wake during the 4 minutes at I3. Then, during the minute of intense effort, come and put yourself at its height so as not to benefit from its cover in the wind and perform your maximum action.

4. When to do a Gimenez session? – The Essential Workout

Performing specific and intense sessions will immediately create fatigue within your body. You will have understood that you should not abuse the Gimenez session, especially when your physical condition is low. Also, do not schedule it for short deadlines of your goals because it could tap into your freshness and burn you in advance for your purpose. The Gimenez cycling session is demanding, and you will understand that it is not too on each outing.