Driving without a grey card: what are the penalties?

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Driving without a grey card: what are the penalties? – The grey card or registration certificate is an essential document for any vehicle. So every owner of a car must own one. Driving without this certificate is not without consequences. The lack of this registration document is punishable by a fine, according to article R322-1 of the Highway Code. As a driver, you must keep this coin on you at all times. However, there are situations where one can travel by car without this document.

1. The penalties you incur – Driving without a grey card

Do you know that it is possible to do your car registration online? It that driving without having the car’s immigration certificate with you can be expensive? Indeed, you are aware that any holder of a driving license who takes the road must have this document. To justify a registration, only the presentation of the corresponding certificate is valid. Although anyone can forget their registration card, this will not make you escape the financial penalties. It is an act that remains a violation of the law. Thus, when you do not present your registration certificate, you are liable to a 1st class financial penalty of €11. It can climb up to 33 € when there is an increase. It noted that this penalty would have no impact on your driving licence,

Another procedure is to prove that you own the registration document. You have a period of 5 days to regularize your situation either at the police station or at the gendarmerie. When time passes without you proving that you hold a grey card, the sanction will be 135 €, a fixed fine. You should know that these fines are classified and can vary according to the seriousness of the infringement. It can then be increased (€375) or even maximum (€750).

2. It is possible to drive without a grey card

Are you wondering if it would be possible to be able to drive without your car’s immigration certificate? It is possible in two situations: before having obtained the original registration certificate of the new vehicle, during a change of registration or when you have just bought a new car. Besides these cases, you can drive without a grey card and not be worried about a change of owner, address or marital status. Also, you can go when there is a request for a duplicate in progress.

Although it is possible to drive without a registration document, you must have two copies in your possession. They will allow you to circulate temporarily without the precious sesame. Documents such as the provisional registration certificate and the detachable coupon from the grey card are concerned.

  • Driving without a grey card

You can present the Provisional Registration Certificate when your vehicle is subject to inspection. Note that this document will be given to you when applying for registration and is valid for one month. After this period, you fall under the law if you drive without the registration certificate.

Regarding the detachable coupon, you have to present it during the check. When your vehicle the new system, The detachable coupon from the registration certificate allows you to drive in compliance with the law. Its duration is one month from the date of sale of the vehicle. You have to be careful not to lose it! It will allow you to send the original registration document. Thus waiting for the new registration certificate during a change of registration can justify the absence of the paper. Also, waiting for the initial registration document can be a valid reason.

3. Barring your grey card: all you need to know

If you decide to sell your vehicle, you should know that you must give the buyer the transfer certificate and the registration certificate. These are essential documents for the production of a new license plate. In addition, when the registration document, you release yourself from any responsibility concerning the car as the seller. Is means that the vehicle’s new owner will recover all fines prior to the date indicated on the crossed-out grey card.

You should know that it is advisable to wait until the last minute before crossing out the grey card for security reasons. You should only cross out the registration certificate when the sale of the vehicle is adequate. In this way, you will avoid that the stripe is no longer valid due to the nullity of the sale. However, the owner will have to obtain a replacement duplicate of the registration document and the deal. The original, once crossed out, is no longer valid. There are specific rules before properly crossing out a registration certificate. You must first draw a line across most of the document to do this. Then, it would help if you had the mention “sold on XX/XX/XXXX” with the date and time of the sale. Above all, do not overwrite. Finally, you must sign the  grey card. After the transaction, the seller must return the crossed-out registration document to the buyer.