Body Lift Benefits – Indications, Procedure.

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Body Lift Benefits

In patients who have had significant weight gains and subsequent loss, or in women who have had multiple pregnancies, there is usually a general skin sagging, especially on the abdomen, flanks, thighs, buttocks, and arms. The skin and tissues often lack the elasticity to accommodate the reduced body size.

The Body Lift or Body Contouring Surgery causes considerable weight loss. However, removes excess fat and loose skin while improving the shape of the underlying support tissue. The result is a more normal appearance with smoother contours.

Body Lift Benefits 

Indications – Body Lift

Procedures To Improve Body Contouring May Include

  • Facelift – Sagging of the mid-face area, jowls and neck
  • Breast lift – sagging and flattened breasts
  • Abdominoplasty (“tummy tuck” ) – excess skin that hangs over the abdomen
  • Lower body lift: sagging abdomen, buttocks, groin, and outer thighs
  • Mid-Thigh Stretch – Sagging of the inner, exterior, and mid-thigh sides
  • Brachioplasty (arm lift) – sagging of the arms

In General, Good Candidates For Body Lift Surgery Are

  • Adults whose weight loss has stabilized
  • Healthy people with no health problems that affect healing or increase the risk of surgery
  • Patients who are non-smokers
  • People with realistic goals and a positive attitude
  • People are committed to maintaining a healthy lifestyle with proper nutrition and exercise regimen

Benefits – Body Lift Surgery

There is a lot of satisfaction for the considerable improvement in the appearance of the trunk. However, with a flatter abdomen, a better defined and highlighted waist, and the hips being less prominent. In addition, the rolls of the back are smooth, and the buttocks are more petite, lifted and better shaped.

The Results

The Body Lift or Body Contouring Surgery is often performed in stages. Your particular condition and goals and your plastic surgeon’s best judgment will influence and defines the surgical plan. However, it may have taken you two years or more to lose all of your excess weight. You have to wait that long to see the final results of your Body Lift or Body Contouring Surgery.

Development Of The Intervention – Body Lift

The procedures necessary to achieve your objectives will be defined. A plan where these procedures should schedule. Plastic surgery procedures that your doctor might recommend

  • Lower body lifts – to correct sagging of the abdomen, buttocks, groin, and outer thighs.
  • Breast lift – to correct sagging and flattened breasts.
  • Arm stretching – to correct sagging arms.
  • Thigh lift – To correct sagging of the thighs’ inner, outer, and middle sides.

Step 1

Anesthesia. Medications should administer during surgical procedures for your comfort. In addition to,  options include intravenous sedation and general anesthesia. The doctor recommends the best option for you.

Step 2

The incision. Body Lift Surgery procedures may require large incisions to remove excess skin. In many cases, these incisions can be numerous. However, the length and shape of the incisions depend on the amount and location of excess skin to remove. Again, it depends on personal preference and the judgment of your plastic surgeon. Advanced techniques generally allow incisions, In strategic locations where most clothing can hide them. However, it is not always the case.

What To Do Before The Intervention?

It should emphasize that the Body Lift Surgery is not an intervention to lose weight. But instead to eliminate excess skin and fat. For this reason, it is advisable to reach an approximate ideal weight beforehand. It is possible under the supervision of a multidisciplinary team that will help each other achieve a more appropriate weight. Furthermore, in our center, we have the Endocrinology and Nutrition service. Therefore, we can provide you with a complete solution from the different areas so that the surgery is entirely satisfactory.

Be Prepared To Discuss

  • Reasons for surgery, our expectations and what is the desired result
  • Health problems, drug allergies and previous medical treatments
  • Tablets, vitamins, and herbal supplements you are currently taking. As well as your use of alcohol, tobacco, or drugs
  • Previous surgeries

Our Staff Will Also Assess The Following Points

  • Assess your general health status, and any pre-existing health problems or risk factors
  • Examine your body and take detailed measurements
  • Take pictures for your medical records
  • Discuss the likely results of body contouring, and any risks or possible complications

Before Body Lift Surgery – The Key Points

  • Get the analyzes and health tests indicated by your surgeon.
  • Taking certain medications or adjusting the doses of your current medications
  • Quit smoking well before surgery
  • Avoid the use of aspirin, anti-inflammatory medications, and herbal supplements, as they can increase bleeding

Be sure to ask questions. It is essential to ask your doctor questions about body contouring surgery. It’s natural to feel some anxiety, whether from excitement about your much-anticipated new look or mild pre-op stress. Put aside shyness when discussing your concerns with your plastic surgeon.

What To Do After The Intervention?

Patients should remain at rest for the first few hours. Then, you can get up and walk the next day with the help of health personnel.

During the initial days, the patient should walk slightly bent forward until she can stand up without discomfort. She will be able to lead an everyday life without excessive stress after 7 to 10 days. Mostly, the patients will be normal within four weeks.


The fashion and the thought of changing the physique are increasing. However, many people are not satisfied with the body type they have. So, they are opting for body contouring surgery. It changes the complete appearance of the body by removing the excess fat.