5-Day Dumbbell Workout – My Fitness Routine

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Dumbbell Workout – You will find attached a training program as well as many tips and tricks that will allow you to move forward towards your physical transformation goals. As a result, you will find a typical food program for a day. This is established for a person of about 75 kg, who wishes to gain muscle in a healthy way.

The quantities are to be adapted, to be adjusted; this is just an example. Foods are shown as an example and can be substituted. In addition, the important thing is to establish a diet that suits you, bringing together foods that you enjoy.

The goal is to eat healthy and enough to achieve your physical goals , not to frustrate you. The important thing is to get a calorie balance throughout the day; what is allowed on one side is taken up on the other.

Exercise 1 – Bench Presses

The right position

Lie down on your mat. Your legs are bent at 90°, feet on the ground, and your back is well pressed. Your arms are bent, elbows outwards , a dumbbell in each hand.

The right move

  1. Inhale before you begin.
  2. Exhale and extend your arms straight up, perpendicular to the floor.
  3. Inhale and return to the initial position slowly.

> Perform 3×24 bench presses, with 30 seconds of recovery between each series.

Exercise 2 – Side Raise Dumbbell Workout

The right position

Stand up on your mat. Your body is straight, pelvis neutral, and your legs are slightly apart. Your arms are along the body, a dumbbell in each hand, palms turned towards the thighs. Look far ahead.

The right movement

  1. Inhale and raise your 2 arms simultaneously until they are perpendicular to your body. Be sure to keep your shoulders low.
  2. Exhale and lower your arms controlling your movements.

> Perform 3×16 lateral raises, with 30 seconds of recovery between each series.

Exercise 3 – Triceps Extensions

The right position

Lie down on your mat. Your legs are bent at 90°, apart the width of your pelvis. arms are extended, perpendicular to the floor, a dumbbell in each hand.

The right move

  1. Inhale before you begin.
  2. Exhale and bend your arms back while keeping your shoulders and elbows in the same position. Only your forearms move.
  3. Inhale and bring your forearms up.

> Perform 3×16 triceps extensions, with 30 seconds of recovery between each series.

Exercise 4 – Diagonal Drawings

The right position

Stand up on your mat. Your left leg is in front, your legs are slightly bent. Tilt your back forward, straight. Your right arm is stretched out , a dumbbell in hand. Your hand is resting on your waist.

The right movement

  1. Inhale and raise your right arm by bending it. Be sure to keep your elbow close to your ribs.
  2. Exhale and lower your arm.

> Perform 3×16 pull-downs diagonally, with 30 seconds of recovery between each set.

Exercise 5 – Shoulder Raises

The right position

Stand on your mat. Your body is straight, neutral pelvis, and your legs are slightly apart. Your arms are along your body, a dumbbell in each hand , palms facing the thighs. Look far ahead.

The right movement

  1. Inhale and slowly raise your shoulders and shoulder blades so that you feel your trapezius contracted.
  2. Exhale and lower your shoulders with good control of your movements.

> Perform 3×16 shoulder raises, with 30 seconds of recovery between each series.

Exercise 6 – Front Elevations

The right position

Stand up on your mat. Your body is straight, pelvis neutral, and your legs are slightly apart. Your arms are along your body, a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing the thighs. Look far ahead.

The right move

  1. Inhale before you begin.
  2. Exhale and raise your arms to shoulder height, making sure to keep your shoulders and shoulder blades low.
  3. Inhale and slowly return to the initial position.

> Perform 3×16 frontal raises, with 30 seconds of recovery between each series.

Exercise 7 – Arm Flexions

The right position

Stand up on your mat. Your body is straight, pelvis neutral, and your legs are slightly apart. As a result,  Your arms are along your body, a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing the ceiling. Look far ahead.

The right move

  1. Inhale before you begin.
  2. Exhale and raise your forearms to ¾ of the maximum amplitude. Be sure to keep your elbows fixed, glued to the ribs.
  3. Inhale and slowly lower your forearms.

> Perform 3×16 arm curls, with 30 seconds of recovery between each series.

Exercise 8 – The Triceps Press Dumbbell Workout

The right position

Lie down on your mat. Your legs remain bent at 90°, feet on the ground, and your back remain well pressed. Bending your arms, elbows glued to your ribs, a dumbbell in each hand.

The right move

  1. Inhale before you begin.
  2. Exhale and extend your arms straight up, perpendicular to the floor.
  3. Inhale and return to the initial position slowly.

> Perform 3×16 triceps presses, with 30 seconds of recovery between each series.


Routine and discipline are the foremost things of a workout plan. In addition, Regular maintenance and fitness plan makes the things a lot more easier. However, Training without knowledge can injure you. The above article gives an crucial idea of a workout routine.